Course objectives and programmatic details:
ICT Tools for learning

Do you want to transform the “Put away your mobile” into “Use your smartphone wisely”? If so, this training course is for you. Technology and devices are present in the everyday life of kids and young people, they will use them anyway, so why don’t we teach how to do it properly?
Moreover, ICTs have strong potential to promote better learning environment and permanent results. No, you don’t need to be a master in Informatics, neither to have expensive equipment. Give it a try!
This training is based on analog, digital and outdoor sessions. It includes a lot of experiential/learning by doing sessions and it uses reflection as a tool for learning and self-assessment.
Key competences acquired by participants
Here are the main objectives of the training:
- getting familiar with popular digital tools
- being able to include digital tools and equipment into daily lesson
- developing innovative methods including digital tools for teaching
- different possibilities of testing students’ learning
- experiencing various spaces (open-air, analog/digital) to create a supportive learning environment
- fostering an open attitude towards new technologies and the use of internet
- enhancing knowledge about past and future of the internet
When is the next Course and how do I apply?
Target groups:
Teachers from primary to high school (any subject).
7-13. July, 13-20. July, 18-24. August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 12-18 January 2025 (in Torino, Italy), 29.06-05.07.2025
560 € – Learn more about the costs
Krakow, Poland.
Social programme:
The social programme activities are included within your course fees!
A few words about course co-ordinator

Pasquale Lanni
Youth worker for generations, Pasquale tried to escape this world enrolling into STEM studies, where he got a degree in Computer Science. But the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and he found himself involved in local and international projects, aiming to change – a bit – the education system. Trainer and educator, Pasquale has a wide experience in supporting teachers and students inside and outside the school environment. He is specialized in ICT tools for learning, inclusion of people with fewer opportunities and learning in multicultural environments. With the help of many friends, in 2010 he founded Eufemia association, where he currently works from Turin, writing stories and building community projects.