Courses Catalogue

How to Become a Tech Savvy Teacher

How to Become a Tech Savvy Teacher

13-20 July, 18-24 August 2024, 2-8 February 2025
Coding in the classroom

Coding in the classroom

18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 29.06-05.07.2025
Game-based learning and Gamification

Game-based learning and Gamification

18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 29.06-05.07.2025


26.05-1.06, 23-29.06, 7-13.07, 13-20.07, 06-12 October, 10-16 November (in Istanbul), 27.4-3.5.2025 (Istanbul, Kraków), 29.06-05.07.2025
Didactic Games for Busy Teachers

Didactic Games for Busy Teachers

11-17 August (Prague), 18-24 August (Kraków), 29.06. - 5.07. 2025 (Kraków), 6-12.07.2025 (Prague)
Protect yourself from violence

Protect yourself from violence

18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October
Maker Education

Maker Education

Currently not offered
Shadows of the past - Education for the future

Shadows of the past - Education for the future

23-29.06., 7-13.07., 13-20.07., 06-12 October 2024, 27.4-3.5.2025, 29.06-05.07.2025
Introduction to Fundraising

Introduction to Fundraising

18-24 August 2024, 29.06-05.07.2025
School exchange

School exchange

On demand, for groups only
Minecraft for learning

Minecraft for learning

18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 29.06-05.07.2025
Storytelling for learning

Storytelling for learning

18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 29.06-05.07.2025
Education after Auschwitz

Education after Auschwitz

23-29.06., 7-13.07., 13-20.07., 06-12 October 2024, 27.4-3.5.2025, 29.06-05.07.2025
Citizenship and youth participation

Citizenship and youth participation

23-29.06., 7-13.07., 13-20.07., 06-12 October 2024, 10-16 November 2024 (Istanbul), 27.4-3.5.2025, 29.06-05.07.2025
Non-formal Education and surroundings

Non-formal Education and surroundings

7-13. July, 13-20. July, 18-24. August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 12-18 January 2025 (in Torino, Italy), 29.06-05.07.2025
ICT tools for learning

ICT tools for learning

7-13. July, 13-20. July, 18-24. August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 12-18 January 2025 (in Torino, Italy),29.06-05.07.2025
Think global, act local

Think global, act local

7-13. July, 13-20. July, 18-24. August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 12-18 January 2025 (in Torino, Italy),29.06-05.07.2025
Italian for teachers

Italian for teachers

On request only for groups
Social media in classroom

Social media in classroom

On request only for groups.