Erasmus+ Courses

7 Steps To Grant

We don’t have the grant yet. How can my school or organisation apply for EU grant?

If you don’t have experience with EU proposals, applying for Erasmus grant can be a bit confusing. In reality it’s not that hard! Here’s what you have to do:

Step 1: in order to apply for Erasmus+ grant you will need to prepare a European Development Plan (sometimes called a School Development Plan). It is a requirement if you are applying for Staff Mobility (Key Action 1) and is recommended for any school interested in long-term involvement in Erasmus+. The practical guide for school leaders explains it all! (download by clicking here).

Step 2: find an interesting course for you from selection of European Teachers Academy courses. You find information about the European Erasmus+ training courses organised by our Academy on this site. With pre-registration to one of our courses you’ll prebook the place at us and prove established relationship with your national agency.

Step 3: open an application form on and fill in a proposal under the Key Action 1 (KA1), Learning Mobility of Individuals. Note that there is just one deadline each year so don’t miss it! If your organization didn’t apply, you’ll have to wait until next year for grant approval.

Step 4: submit the application to your National agency. All the files are submitted online, so you’ll need to scan documents.

Step 5: keep your fingers crossed and check webpage of your national agency for results. Majority of eligible countries publish results in late spring/early summer (May, June).

Step 6: when you receive positive feedback from your agency, please let us know so we can confirm your chosen date.

Step 7: after you receive a grant approval notice, you’ll need to sign contract with your national agency. It takes around two months from grant approval to transfer of grants to your organisation.