Frequently Asked Questions
Erasmus+ is a programme initiated by the European Union that helps teachers who wish to come to European Teachers Academy for teacher training to develop themselves professionally. The Erasmus+ programme pays or contributes to your costs such as flights, course fees, accommodation and travel expenses. All expenses are covered by the grant.
Your school can apply for funding for you and your colleagues (teachers, headmasters, administrators). Every year, there is a deadline to apply for teacher training and development funding (usually beginning of February) for programmes that run from June of that year to May the following year. Please note that it is your school that applies for funding, it is not possible to apply as an individual.
Your school must fill in the official Erasmus+ Application Form (Key Action 1) and outline how the school will use the money you receive. Your application needs to be sent to the institution representing the European Union in your country – the National Agency. Your National Agency’s website will give you advice on how to apply successfully for financial help for teacher training with European Teachers Academy.
Click here to find the National Agency for your country.
To summarise, you should think about:
1. Relevance of the project: How does the teacher development course at the European Teachers Academy relate to the priorities of the Erasmus + mobility project and meet the needs and objectives of the participating organisations and individual participants? How are high-quality learning outcomes guaranteed? To what extent is the international scope of the participating organisation reinforced?
2. Quality of the project design and implementation: How are the participants appropriately selected and prepared for the teacher training course at the European Teachers Academy? How does the course fit the one/two year European Development Plan of the organisation? How are the learning outcomes recognised? How is the course being arranged, managed and supported?
3. Impact and dissemination: What measures are being used to evaluate the success of the project? What is the impact of the project on the individual and the participating organisation? What dissemination will occur after the course?