Course objectives and programmatic details:

Citizenship and youth participation


Young people are increasingly recognized as significant agents in community and national development. Throughout the world, hundreds of thousands of young people are spearheading positive social change – leading community initiatives, operating small businesses, and re-shaping political processes. Participation of young people in democratic life can be done in the most effective way through their representatives in formal bodies. Youths have a better perspective of the problems that affect them as such they need to be integrated in policy planning, implementation and evaluation for the policy to be a success. Youth representation enables youths to become active members of the democratic society.

At the same time, full participation of young people is often problematic, due to external and internal factors. Sometimes adult policy makers do not recognize the value of youths and the contribution they can make as democratic agents. Often, internal divisions and diverging opinions among young people make it difficult to find a common denominator and there is no united voice of youth heard on the local, national and international level.

The objectives of the course

  • To present and discuss contemporary problems of youth participation in connection to citizenship
  • To identify chances and obstacles of full youth participation on national level, especially in the decision-making processes
  • To explore the level of youth participation on local level
  • To gather a balanced group of teachers and educators representing a broad spectrum of experiences and facilitate contacts between them
  • To build capacity of teachers and educators in the area of youth participation

When is the next Course and how do I apply?

Target groups:

High school teachers.


23-29.06., 7-13.07., 13-20.07., 06-12 October 2024 (all in Kraków),

10-16 November (in Istanbul, Turkey),

27.4-3.5.2025, 29.06-05.07.2025 (in Kraków)



Krakow, Poland.

Social programme: 

The social programme activities are included within your course fees!


A few words about course co-ordinator

Dr Piotr Uhma

Piotr Uhma serves as an Assistant Professor in international law at the Institute of Law, Administration and Economics, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland. He is the founder and President of the European Institute Pro Futuro Europae, and has led over a few dozen trainings on youth participation, democratic citizenship, soft skills and IT tools in education. He performed various consultancy and public speaking assignments in places such as Prague, Sydney, Jakarta, Strasbourg, Vienna, Amman, Nairobi, Denver, Seoul Jerusalem and Pamplona.