Course objectives and programmatic details:
Minecraft for learning

Minecraft is the most successful videogame in this century, engaging kids in hours of passionate gameplay. It has been described as the digital LEGO of our times. What if this huge interest and commitment could be used also for learning and education?
This training course will teach you to design learning environments inside the Minecraft game (Java Edition) and to create playful learning experiences inside the game. Moreover, you will also be able to show your students how they can improve their gaming experience with Minecraft at home, building a bridge between learning at school and playing at home.
You will learn to create and manage your own game server, to install new features in the game, and how the game itself can be used to teach and learn many different subjects.
Key competences acquired by participants
Here are the main objectives of the training:
- learn to create 3D models and build your game-worlds as you prefer
- learn to create in-game automatic non playing characters (NPCs) to give lessons, ask quizzes and give prize items to players for correct answers
- learn how to use automatic robot-turtles and give them instructions through coding, to build whatever you like
- create and manage your own game server to host your worlds
- understand the basic principles of (video) game-based learning
- debating computational thinking: what we mean with it and how to improve it
- applying non formal learning to videogame-based learning
When is the next Course and how do I apply?
Target groups:
Teachers from last years of primary schools (kids aged 8+)
and middle school (kids aged 11 to 13)
18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October 2024, 29.06-05.07.2025
560 €
Krakow, Poland
Social programme:
The social programme activities are included within your course fees!
A few words about course co-ordinator

Michele Di Paola
I have been a youth worker for Spazio Giovani ( since the late 90s, coming from a long experience of volunteering for different organisations. Within this organisation I am in charge of a Eurodesk local office (IT103) and I am working in several projects of youth/local communities empowerment.
I am also active as a freelance trainer, passionate in games and gamification, digital tools in outdoors activities, nature and passage rituals, storytelling. I have a great comppetence in the field of digital creativity: I designed with my team the course DIG IT UP!, then adopted by TCA. Since 2 years I run my own startup called CampusLaCamilla (; it offers non formal education trainings on coding, creating video games, robots, digital and transmedia storytelling (with Minecraft) etc to kids and boys / girls.