Course objectives and programmatic details:

Introduction to Fundraising


Fundraising is a process of obtaining funds or donations in kind by means of approaching individuals, companies, charitable foundations or government institutions and asking them for support. During the course participants will learn about best fundraising practices from all over the world. We will focus on fundraising tools – more than 25 ways of raising funds. On this basis we will discuss fundraising solutions for your school/institution and learn how to implement fundraising as a long-term process.

Effectively managed fundraising process involves an immediate search for people sharing our interests: the supporters of our organisations, of our good cause. It also gives a chance to cooperate and enjoy our attempts to achieve the objectives set.

The objectives of the course

The main objectives of the training are to know about theoretical basics of:

  • Fundraising & crowdfunding.
  • Fundraising tools.
  • Donor development cycle and membership programs.
  • Social charity campaigns.
  • Fundraising campaigns.

On this basis we will look for the answers:

  1. How to apply fundraising in your school or institution,
  2. How to prepare a fundraising plan for your projects,
  3. How to present your projects.

When is the next Course and how do I apply?

Target groups:

Teachers from primary to high school, school administration, youth workers


20-26 August



Krakow, Poland.

Social programme: 

The social programme activities are included within your course fees!


A few words about course co-ordinator

Maria Olszewska

Trainer of fundraising and crowdfunding, one of the first Fundraisers in Eastern Europe with the European Fundraising Certificate confirmed by European Fundraising Association. She has graduated from University of Economics in Kraków with a second faculty – History of Arts at the Jagiellonian University. She supports private individuals, schools and charity organisations from entire Europe in realising their dreams and targets. She conducts trainings in Polish, English and Italian. As a consultant she has implemented tools for fundraising purposes in non-profit organisations and public institutions in Europe. She has gained experience in both supporting foundations and associations which have just started as well as in providing financial and material support for organisations with long-term traditions and some philanthropic output. Her great passions are: acting and climbing.
