Course objectives and programmatic details:

Protect yourself from violence – self-defense for teachers


To protect yourself from violence is an important basic need for every human being. Our course wants to help teachers learn how to avoid danger, recognize dangerous situations and to defend themselves in an emergency. With our course we want to contribute through teachers to children and teenagers being able to grow up into self-confident strong personalities. The concept is based on the prevention, self- assertion and self-defense. 

Whether you are small or big, woman or man, strong or weaker, whether you train or not at all the course is for you. Give it a try!

Key competences acquired by participants

Here are the main objectives of the training:

  • Learn to recognize danger and dangerous situations
  • Learn verbal and psychological strategies to set safe boundaries
  • Learn how to neutralize most common attacks
  • Develop reflexes and combine techniques
  • Gain confidence 
  • Learn how to mitigate violence in the classroom

When is the next Course and how do I apply?

Target groups: Teachers, educators, youth workers, trainers, coaches, therapists, HR managers: any professional who works with other people as a teacher, guide, mentor, leader or counsellor.


18-24 August, 15-21 September, 06-12 October



Krakow, Poland.

Social programme: 

The social programme activities are included within your course fees!


A few words about course co-ordinator

Anna Augustyn-Mitkowska

The course is run by Anna Augustyn-Mitkowska – sportswoman, sports instructor, trainer, Judo black belt, Jiu jitsu brown belt, Grappling World Champion in 2019, Jiu jitsu World Champion in 2016 and 2017, graduated from Academy of Physical Education in Cracow and Pedagogic Course from Cracow University of Technology, 2016 –
Mobility Training, CF Cracow, since 2015 – Personal Trainer, certified by the Academy Of Sports Artistry Recreation and Tourism. Founder and coach at
Stay Safe – women’s self defense.
